Top 7 Books of 2015

1. ‘Post-Charismatic’. This book is written by someone who is theologically Charismatic - one who believes in the presence and gifts of the Holy Spirit for today - but who offers a healthy critique of excesses and unbiblical practices that have slipped it. I found this book to be more helpful than John MacArthur’s damning, ‘Strange Fire’.

2. ‘Is Christianity Good for the World?’ This book is actually a debate between two great wits: Christian author Douglas Wilson and Atheist author Christopher Hitchens. It’s a fun and intellectually stimulating read that gets to the real issues differences between being an Atheist or a Christian.

3. ‘Spiritual Friendship’. This short book was written almost 1,000 years ago here in England by Aelred of Rievaulx. It is a classic on the subject of Christian friendship, a topic not taught on enough in modern Evangelical circles. (There is also a new book bearing the same name by Wesley Hill that is also very good)

4. ‘Go Set a Watchman’. This is the novel by Harper Lee that half the world read. I enjoyed it for the beautiful – but painful -way it describes the transformation of a father-daughter relation into a more mutual relationship between two adults. My full review is HERE.

5. ‘Notes from the Tilt-A-Whirl’ This unexpected book by ND Wilson whimsically upholds a Christian view of the world in a way that is intellectually engaging and a joy to read. It gives perspective to life and to creation in a way that provokes praise.

6. ‘I Am Pilgrim’. Best spy thriller of the year. Period. By Terry Hayes.

7. ‘Till we have Faces’ (again). This book by CS Lewis was his personal favourite and it was at the top of my list last year, but I reread it this year and I’ve gotten even more out of it. It ties together love, relationships, idolatry, worship, heaven, etc. All the great human themes together. It left me personally challenged.

Next Year’s Goals: Reviewing what I’ve read this year, I’m painfully aware that I haven’t read a single book on prayer and I think my prayer life is starting to reflect that. Ouch! Among others, I will probably be revisiting Andrew Murray’s, ‘With Christ in the School of Prayer’.

And yes, I too wrote a book this year. It's also on the theme of Christian Friendship HERE

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